For those looking for an easy and accessible place to get informed about popular culture, global issues and other events that North-American society places in high priority, you've found it! This blog should also shed some light on your point of view of the world by contrasting it. Here's hoping you're entertained and enlightened!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Where are you from?...No originally from?


Do you ever really stop to think about where the things we have come from? And I mean other than looking at a product and reading “made in China”. Where does all the raw material come from?

Chewing Gum: The source of the chewiness of chewing gum is chicle, which is found in the sapodilla tree of Central America.

Wool: I’m sure you know that wool comes from sheep. But did you know that the majority of the world’s wool comes from Australian sheep? Yup so that wool sweater you have on, it could come from Australia. That should make you feel all warm and cozy!

Perfume: This fact makes sense to me. If I were to guess where the majority of perfume comes from I would say Europe. And would be right…kind of. The flowers used to make perfume are grown in the south of France!

Vanilla: I love a great Vanilla ice-cream! And it’s cool to know that most of the world’s vanilla beans are grown in Madagascar.

Bauxite: That aluminum foil in your kitchen could originate from Guinea, Africa. Bet you would have never guessed that! Bauxite is a major mineral used to make aluminum.

Copper: One of the very rich copper belts in the world is found in Zambia, Africa.

So maybe now you can say that the contents of your house are international! To find the origins of more materials, go to .

Picture from Google

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! Its weird to think about how many places the things I am wearing come from!
