For those looking for an easy and accessible place to get informed about popular culture, global issues and other events that North-American society places in high priority, you've found it! This blog should also shed some light on your point of view of the world by contrasting it. Here's hoping you're entertained and enlightened!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Arranging it

There are some things about different cultures that we often find hard to understand. Sometimes we see certain customs are restricting and totally negative. One of these customs id arranged marriages. In a society where individuals are encouraged to make decisions for themselves and where the desire for equality is in high demand, generally, arranged marriage seems to go against all of that.

But why would countries continue to follow this custom if it was totally negative? They’re must be some positive sides to it that maybe us North Americans just can’t see at first glance.

1.       Getting a partner is guaranteed:

Think about it, if you’re really shy or awkward or simply not socially inept, the likelihood of you going on dates are low. And even if you manage to go on a date, your chances of having a successful date are even lower. With arranged marriages, the pressure is off.

2.       Parental approval:

There will be none of that forbidden love because your parents will approve of your partner. Obviously, because they picked him/her! Not to mention, with parental support comes willing babysitters at your disposal.

3.       Lower divorce rate:

I didn’t know this but in arranged marriages, commitment is the first and foremost responsibility. The couples make a very strong effort to think as a couple. They try to make decisions that will benefit them both as well as both their families. They are not blinded by emotions because those emotions are developed later on in the relationship.

These are just a few of the advantages. Now I’m not saying that you should go out and beg your family to pick a partner for you but maybe this gives you a bit of insight into other customs and beliefs.

After all, people must keep doing it because it’s been working for centuries!


Picture from Google


  1. I still don't completely agree with the idea but this does give me a better understanding of it. It would just be awful if you got someone who is awful to you or if you were in love with someone else. Thanks for giving this insight on the positive aspects of arranged marriages:)

  2. The main reason I think that arranged marriages exist is because many cultures don't see marriage as a sign of love but as a tool for survival. If you were an Indian girl with absolutely nothing would you marry the poor farmer who could not provide for you but you were madly in love with, or the rich prince who you didn't like?
