For those looking for an easy and accessible place to get informed about popular culture, global issues and other events that North-American society places in high priority, you've found it! This blog should also shed some light on your point of view of the world by contrasting it. Here's hoping you're entertained and enlightened!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Thirst is so Real!

So you wake up in the morning, you take a 15 minute shower. You get dressed, and then you brush your teeth and wash your face. You go to your kitchen and make some coffee or tea. Let’s say this all took maybe 45 minutes to an hour.

Did you know that in this hour you have used more clean water than many families around the world would use all day?

Not to mention the fact that you didn’t have to do any work to access this water.

Can you imagine walking for hours just to reach a small, murky body of water that is filled with impurities and bacteria that could potentially kill you if not treated properly and ingested?

Okay so maybe that seems unbelievable to you. Or maybe you’re thinking, “oh yeah sure, here comes the whole look at developing countries and make me feel guilty thing”.

So let’s look at something a little closer to home shall we?

·         On average Canadians use double the water used in European countries.

·         Singapore and Munich that use as little as 100 litres of water per person each day without lowering their quality of life.

·         The average hamburger (yeah that Big Mac you had last week) requires 2,400 litres of water to produce.

·         Believe it or not, there are 10 million people in developed countries without access to safe water. That includes the USA and Canada.

·         More than 3.4 million people die each year from water sanitation related issues.

So just think about it next time you want to leave the water running whiles you brush your teeth. Despite what we like to believe, water is NOT an unlimited resources and not everyone can just get a cold glass of it when they’re thirsty.



Picture from Google


  1. Such a tragedy, honestly it is so strange to think it is only 9:00 AM right now and I have already used so much, I'm just thinking about all I've used it for when it could have been used to help those who are suffering.
    -- One thing I hate are those automatic flush toilets that flush whenever they detect movement, so much water is wasted in those things. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Its so easy to take such a precious commodity for granted. I've traveled to places without any access to clean water and I've seen first hand how real the thirst can be. Do you think that in the next little while our wars will be caused over water, rather than oil as it is a depleting resource?
