For those looking for an easy and accessible place to get informed about popular culture, global issues and other events that North-American society places in high priority, you've found it! This blog should also shed some light on your point of view of the world by contrasting it. Here's hoping you're entertained and enlightened!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Mom, I'm STARVING!"

Do you ever have those days where you haven’t eaten much, and you’re grumpy and uncomfortable and when someone asks you what’s wrong, you tell them that you’re STARVING?

There are very few things worse than being hungry. But if I were to tell you that I’ve ever truly been starving, I’d be lying.

Sadly, 1.02 billion people in the world know what it’s like to starve. 1 in 7 people will go to bed hungry tonight. And even they are the lucky ones compared to the 25,000 people who die every day from hunger related causes.

Living in a developed country, it’s really easy to see problems like hunger and immediately think of the poor people living in faraway lands. But this problem affects people right here in Canada.

93,000 Canadians visit the food bank each month. 38% percent of these Canadians are children and youth.

With such a high need for food around the world, you’d think it would be highly valued right? Wrong.

Each year 4 billion tons of food goes to waste.

In 2010, the USA wasted 33.79 million tons of food. To put that into perspective, that is enough food to fill the Empire State building 91 times. (Keep in mind that some of these are American facts but similar numbers can be applied to Canada.)

This is just some food for thought… hahaha see what I did there! But in all seriousness, next time you decide to order a portion of food you know you won’t be able to finish or the next time your mother cooks something you’re not too fond of, think of these statistics.


Picture from Google

1 comment:

  1. this upsets me! when people tell me "Sarah, finish your food there are starving kids all over the globe who would die for those brussel sprouts" I wish I really could send this food to them!:(
