For those looking for an easy and accessible place to get informed about popular culture, global issues and other events that North-American society places in high priority, you've found it! This blog should also shed some light on your point of view of the world by contrasting it. Here's hoping you're entertained and enlightened!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hands in My Pocket

I thought it would be interesting to see what the average North American spends money on and how much money is spent on these things. This idea came to me when I found myself spending three dollars on a bottled drink from a vending machine.

 In all honesty, three dollars for me isn’t much for me but I have heard multiple times that there are people in this world who live on less than a dollar a day. It’s sad but true.

 I thought I’d check to see our spending tendencies. I found that we spend crazy amounts of money on some pretty basic and unnecessary (ß on the grand scheme of life)  things.

 The average American spends $1,092 annually on Coffee

·         Well maybe if you weren’t spending all this money on coffee, you wouldn’t have to spend as much time at work. Therefore giving you more time to relax and sleep when you got home which would cause you to be refreshed and energized in the morning. And you therefore won’t need coffee to begin with!  I'm just saying!

 In contrast, according to The World Game Institute, in 1992 the joint effort of the Indian government, UNICEF and local non-governmental organizations was able to provide clean water to 550 Indians by installing 2.2 million hand pumps. And all this added up to $4.00 per person annually.

 Just some food for thought!

 Here’s a list of other random things the average North American spends money on from

·         In 2011, 550 million dollars were spent on pretzels

·         2.6 billion was spent on toilet paper

·         800 million was spent on taxidermy

·         800 million was spent on girl guide cookies

·         1.7 billion was spent on valentine’s day flowers

·         500 million on Twinkies


·         The average woman will spend $15,000 on makeup in her lifetime.




Picture from Google


  1. These numbers are actually insane and though they may sound hard to believe I can see Americans spending this much money on that kind of thing! This post was interesting to read about, blog more about this sort of thing!!

  2. This is crazy! 500 million on twinkies - what an outrage #obesity

  3. The average women spends around $15,000 on makeup in their lifetime!? WOW makes me wonder how much i've already have spent since grade 7. As Sarah said, these type of blogs are interesting, you should continue to blog about these sort of facts.
